Friday, April 10, 2009


Hopefully, the following credible sources will successfully support my position:
Subject: Pedestrian Safety Law Enactment
Research Materials:

1. National Highway Safety Traffic Administrations, or NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590 at A national government entity commissioned to promote the public safety through outreach. The analysis of statistical reports of highway accident injuries and fatalities are examined.

2. California Codes Streets And Highways Code
Section 894.6-894.8. A law provision that requires a Pedestrian Safety Account be established through the State Transportation Fund for the purpose of designating grants. The details are stated within the code.
3. The results of a controlled independent study focused on the drivers ability to observe pedestrians at night as conducted by Joanne M Wood; Richard A Tyrrell; Trent P Carberry, university students. The study is entitled “Limitations in Drivers' Ability to Recognize Pedestrians at Night.” Human Factors; Fall 2005; 47, 3; ProQuest Health and Medical Complete.

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