Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Silly Sheriff

In the article author Kathleen Parker argues the “ silliness” of laws and why law enforcement should focus more on the important crimes being broken, than insensible drug acts. Using Michael Phelps recent marijuana incident as the prime example of why law enforcement and Kellogg are so silly. Parker states, “So seems the message from Kellogg, which has decided not to renew its sponsorship contract with Michael Phelps after the Olympian was photographed smoking marijuana at a party in South Carolina.That's showbiz, of course, but the cereal and munchie company had no problem signing Phelps despite a prior alcohol-related arrest” (par 1&2). Parker speaks of one sheriff in particular Leon Lott of South Carolina, he is spending too much time on the Phelps case rather than breaking down crime in one of the, “ nations most dangerous states in the nation”(par 5). Some of the cases that are being put aside are child pornography and rape to name a few, “Last year Human Rights Watch reported that as many as 400,000 rape kits containing evidence were sitting unopened in criminal labs and storage facilities” (par 9). Phelps case was a victimless act that is turning into to a huge ordeal and taking time away from solving the more serious crimes. Parker concludes with, “I'm not convinced that all drugs should be legalized, but we should at least put prohibition on the table to take another look. In the meantime, Sheriff Lott has some 'splainin' do to” (par 15).


  1. Great blog! So true, too! That sheriff should get his priorities straight.

  2. Why is it the subject always coincides with legalizing illegal drugs? Not the solution; just a sneaky way to say ok to crime.

  3. The author is just trying to prove that the more serious cases should have priority over Michael Phelps' case.Just because it's Michael Phelps it turned into a huge deal, would it have if it was just an average person? It all started with one picture.I think the sheriff is using this case as a publicity stunt.
