Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rhetorical Situations...

So I've comed to conclusion that I may not be grasping the concept as much as I'd like to. But Im going to give a shot at this...

I mainly read alot of parenting magazines, I have no time to read as much interesting things as I wish I could. Now Parenting magazines like (parenting, Baby talk, and parents) are about doctors and parents with their own view on specific topics. and its up to you what advice you take and what you dont. But they always seem to help me with mmy children in some sort of way, or prepares me what to expect when my children reach a certain developmental stage..

So If I understand this right:
The Rhetor: mothers and doctors, and sometimes even Psychologist...

Purpose : to give advice, and topics that interest mothers

Audience: Mothers

Genre: I would say reports, stories, and question and answer..

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