Saturday, May 16, 2009

Blog 9&10

My portfolio consists of my least favorite to most favorite pieces of work. Organizing them this way helps demonstrate how I think I have improved. I often
procrastinate when it comes to writing because it is always hard for me to get those first few sentences out. I usually brainstorm in my mind what I want to say but it is often hard for me to put it on paper and make it flow. Once I get my introduction going the paper is a breeze and much easier for me to write.

My least favorite paper would have to be the argument paper. My very first paper (rhetorical analysis) was much better than the argument paper and it shows. The article I chose was a quote from a quote leading me to get confused and want to argue against the wrong quote. Throughout the course grammar and diction were my main issues and I have always struggled with these since grade school. The rhetorical analysis paper shows some of the issues I struggle with and Mrs. Bolaski states, “The diction you use could be more sophisticated.” Given that every paper was not final I always had to opportunity to revise, and learn from the feedback.

After noticing my writing needed some improvement I considered going to MiraCosta’s Writing Center. When I did write about a topic I enjoyed I noticed I wrote better. I started taking my papers to the writing center to sit with a tutor and noticed I started improving. It showed in my grade and comments from the workshop groups. One student said, “Awesome Job” and “I’m really impressed how you addressed your objections and counter-arguments.” The first couple of papers I did not have proofread by someone else but, it helps and from now on I will make time to have all my papers proofread. It is always hard to keep reading your own paper.

Overall I did considerably better than I thought for an online English class. I’m very impressed with myself and could not have improved my writing skills without the help of this class and the MiraCosta Writing center. I notice my everyday writing and speaking has also improved. I feel that my writing skills have improved leading me In the right direction for the next step in college English.

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