Friday, May 15, 2009

English Evaluation (blog 8)

I thought all of the assignments were relevant in helping me become a better writer. The most helpful however, was the final research project. I hadn't ever done one to this extent before and it has definitely helped prepare me for future classes. I found the position paper to be the most challenging. I started the assignment with a strong opinion, but after doing the research found that it was a lot more complicated than I had anticipated therefore making it more difficult to write. I also struggled with finding scholarly sources, so that was good practice.

I really enjoyed the research project because I find the Earth very fascinating so it was a lot of fun researching global warming and the melting ice caps.

This class was a good experience and gave me the tools I need for future classes. Professor Bolaski answered all the questions I had, which were many, and she was very helpful :). The only thing that was difficult about this class is that I felt there were too many websites. It would be a lot easier and less confusing if everything were in the same place. I got the hang of it after a while, but at first it was a bit confusing. I took a class last semester online where everything was done through blackboard. (blogs, tests, assignments, grades..etc.)

Overall, it was a good class and I'm glad I took it online.

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